уроку з  англійської мови
у 7 класі

  Тема. Kinds of Sports. Sport in Ukraine
Мета. Повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми.
Продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички.
Удосконалювати техніку читання.
Розширити знання учнів про відомих спортсменів України.
Виховувати інтерес до спорту та прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості    занять спортом.
·        to develop students' listening, reading, speaking and grammar skills;
·        to revise and enrich students' vocabulary on the topic;
·        to practise group work;
·        to motivate students to communicate with each other.
Equipment: a computer, a multimedia projector, video, HO (a text for reading).

1. Привітання
1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

2.     Competitions between two teams. This is the first team, choose the captain and name. And this is the second team.
3.     Повторення вивченого матеріалу.  Про вживання дієслів go, play, do.

At the last lesson we learnt how to use verbs go, play and do.  So the first task for both teams is to insert the right verb (use the correct tense) .
3.1 When do we use…?
GO – if you speak about sport ending in –ing.
          (e.g. I go swimming.)
PLAY – if you speak about ball games (or chess).
          (e.g. I play football.)
DO – if you speak about other sports.
         (e.g. I do athletics.)
3.2 What sport can we…
GO?                                       skating                                   handball
PLAY?                                   ice – hockey                           karate
DO?                                       aerobics                                  gymnastics
                                                   judo                                        swimming
                                                   football                                   athletics
                                                   tennis                                     basketball
3.3 Check yourself
GO – skating, swimming;
PLAY – ice – hockey, tennis, football, handball, basketball;
DO – aerobics, judo, karate, gymnastics, athletics.
3.4 T: Complete the sentences using do, play, or go.
1. Every morning I _________ jogging.
2. On Saturday mornings my brothers ________ football.
3. I _______ gymnastics on Saturdays.
4. My mother and I ___________ aerobics every week.
5. My father and mother _________ golf at the weekend.
6. In winter we ________ skiing.
7. In summer we ________ tennis and ________ swimming.
Key: 1-go, 2-play, 3-do, 4-do, 5-play, 6-go, 7- play, go.

4. Сканворд.  Work in groups.
T. I think you like to answer to the crossword. Your task will be to find words connected with sport. How many words  did your team found?  Name them please.
Stadium, game, wrestling, athletics, boxing, rugby, result, chess, hockey, competition, player, jumping, tennis, ball, swimming pool, trainer, gymnasium. (18)

T: Listen to the descriptions of the sports and try to guess what kind of sport is it.
a)     It is a team game. Both men and women can play it. The players have a ball. They play the ball with their hands. There are six players in every team. (Volleyball)
b)    It is a very popular game in England and in Ukraine. The players kick the ball with their feet. The game lasts 90 minutes and has two halves. The players try to score a goal. (Football)
c)     It is a very beautiful kind of sport. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises and dance to music on the ice. The dancers have very nice costumes on. (Figure – skating)
d)    This game is played everywhere – in Ukraine and in other countries too. It was first played in the USA. Each of the two teams has five players. They bounce the ball on the floor up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket. (Basketball)
e)     It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing pieces. They move the playing pieces on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent's king. (Chess)

6.   Reading the text
-         The next task for your teams is to read the text about sports in Ukraine. (слайд 5-6 )


    Different kinds of sport are popular in Ukraine nowadays. There are more sport clubs, swimming pools, running tracks and skating rinks. That’s why there are many talented sportsmen in our country. The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is famous all over the world. Irina Deriuhina, Oksana Skaldina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko have won World and European Championship. Serhii Bubka is known as the best world’s athlete. He was eight times world champion and Olympic champion in high jumping. Oksana Baiul, a figure skater, won the gold medal for our country in 1992 Olympic Games. World’s champions in boxing, brothers Klychko, are famous all over the world. Among the best swimmers at the Olympic Games was Yana Klochkova. She won two gold medals.

In this text you read about famous Ukrainian sportsmen. Look at pictures of them. (слайд 7-11)

Match the names of the sportsmen and the kinds of sport
1.Serhii Bubka                                                                       a)swimming
2.Irina Deriuhina                                                                   b)figure skating
3.Brothers Klychko                                                               c)high jumping
4.Oksana Baiul                                                                     d)gymnastics
5.Yana Klochkova                                                                e)boxing

1.     Відео
T: As a result of our lesson, tell us about your favourite kind of sports.
T: What have you learnt at today's lesson? What can you do now?
S1: I can recognize different kinds of sports.
S2: I can speak about my favourite kind of sports.

1.     Підбиття підсумків уроку. Визначення команди переможця.
 The team who has more points is winner. Let’ count.
T. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are… Good-bye.
2.  Домашнє завдання
Написати декілька речень про свій улюблений вид спорту та про свого улюбленого спортсмена.


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